Day 1: 30 Days Writing Challenge

Starting Ship30for30 again!

Hi friend,

I am excited to share that I am embarking on a journey with Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole's Ship 30 for 30, a cohort-based course that challenges participants to write and publish a 250-word atomic essay each day for 30 days.

There are a few key reasons why I've chosen to undertake this journey:

  1. Skill Enhancement: I aspire to refine my writing skills, fostering clarity and consistency in my words.

  2. Habit Formation/Stacking: Alongside daily writing, I aim to start healthy habits like rising early and daily journaling.

  3. Self-Reflection & Awareness: This challenge presents an opportunity for introspection and fostering mindfulness.

Over the next month, I'll be sharing insights about personal development, productivity and time management, as well as my love for books and running. My primary focus will be on sharing valuable information beneficial to knowledge workers and humanitarian professionals, as I am one myself.

I warmly invite you to join me on this transformative adventure. If you have any questions or if there's anything specific you'd like me to discuss in my writings, don't hesitate to reach out.

I look forward to sharing my journey and what I've learned with all of you online!

Follow me and other fellow shippers on Twitter;

Interested in Ship 30 and want to learn about more? Check these free resources;

Thanks for reading; hit reply if you have any questions, comments or suggestions!

Have a happy, healthy, and productive day!



or to participate.