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  • I Signed Up for a Marathon Race (42.195 km)! 🏃‍♂️ Monthly Review and Plans for the Future

I Signed Up for a Marathon Race (42.195 km)! 🏃‍♂️ Monthly Review and Plans for the Future

September Review and Plans for the Last Quarter of the Year 📆

Hey all,

I hope you are doing well.

I wanted to share some updates and my plans for the last quarter of the year. Also, I'm excited to announce that I'll be returning to a weekly publishing schedule for this newsletter. Here's what's been going on:

Where I've Been?

Between September 14th and 20th, I was in Istanbul, Turkey, as part of my work as a humanitarian consultant and trainer. I delivered a three-day training course on grant management and fundraising for NGOs. It was an enriching experience working with dedicated professionals striving to make a positive impact in their communities.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Humanitarian Leadership Academy and Save the Children Turkey Country Office for their tremendous support and to the participants, for their time and valuable contributions.

What I've Been Doing and What is Next?

Now that I'm back in Germany, I'm focusing on compiling training reports and preparing for an upcoming conference on Localization and Humanitarian Action in Gaziantep, Turkey, scheduled for October.

In the meantime, I'll be devoting more time to content creation, videos, and other creative projects that I'm passionate about.

I'm also excited to announce that I've launched a new email course called Start Your Newsletter Today. If you've ever thought about starting your own newsletter but didn't know where to begin, this course is designed to help you get started. You can check it out at startyournewsletter.today. I'm looking forward to helping others share their ideas and connect with their audience.

As we come closer to the end of Q3, I'm making preparations for the last quarter of the year. This includes setting new goals, planning upcoming projects, and ensuring continuous personal and professional development.

What I'm Reading

I've recently received a signed copy of "Team: Getting Things Done with Others" from Tuçe Yücel, Turkey’s only licensed GTD® master trainer!

This book, co-authored by David Allen, explores how teams can unlock their full potential using the Getting Things Done® approach. It's packed with insights on how to collaborate effectively and create a culture of high performance. 🚀

I'll be sharing what I learn from this book in future newsletters. For more information, you can check out and join the free email course on Getting Things Done® at stressizuretkenlik.com.

I'm also listening to "Show Your Work" by Austin Kleon on Audible. It's an inspiring read about the importance of sharing your creative process and connecting with others. You can check it out here: Show Your Work by Austin Kleon.

Additionally, I enjoy listening to books on Audible and summaries on the Blinkist app. Recently, I've been captivated by the 4 Minute Books YouTube channel, which provides concise summaries of various books. The last one I listened to was "On the Shortness of Life" by Seneca, which you can find here: On the Shortness of Life by Seneca. It's a thought-provoking piece on making the most of our time.

Fitness, Health & Running

As I mentioned in the title, I've signed up to run a full marathon (42.195 km)! I already started preparations yesterday with a short 4k run. I'll be running 3-4 times a week and incorporating strength training and stretching activities. The time is quite limited for preparing for a full marathon, but I'll do my best.

If you'd like to follow my training journey, feel free to connect with me on Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/96495711

Why I'm Doing This

Running a full marathon (42.195 km) has always been a personal goal.

It's about challenging myself physically and mentally, pushing my limits, and embracing a healthier lifestyle.

Lately, I've felt my motivation and fitness practices slipping. I realized that the main reason was the lack of a compelling goal to strive for. While I've always enjoyed walking, I wasn't following a fitness regimen that would help me reach the best version of myself physically.

Additionally, I've noticed that I've gained a few kilograms of weight after spending a few weeks in hotels for training in Gaziantep, Amman, and Istanbul. Now I'm back and fully excited about this new journey. As I approach my 31st birthday in October, I believe it's a great milestone to start this new chapter as a marathon runner and hopefully embrace a new identity focused on health and fitness.

Thanks for reading this week's newsletter. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to reply to this email or comment below!




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