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  • 1 Bad Habit I Used to Have: Starting Projects But Not Finishing Them—And the Strategy That Changed Everything

1 Bad Habit I Used to Have: Starting Projects But Not Finishing Them—And the Strategy That Changed Everything

How did I break this bad habit? I learned to leverage the concept of the "point of no return" and use the sunk-cost fallacy positively.

I used to start projects with great enthusiasm but never see them through to completion. I have been doing this for years.

Rock bottom for me was when I looked around and realized the extent of my unfinished commitments: half-written blog posts, side business projects left in limbo, volunteer opportunities I hadn't followed through on, and even hobbies like running that I started enthusiastically but soon abandoned.

Each was a stark reminder of my struggle with follow-through. I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, and perceived myself as a chronic underachiever. It was a disheartening realization that spurred me to seek change.

How did I break this bad habit? I learned to leverage the concept of the "point of no return" and use the "sunk-cost fallacy" positively.

Everything changed as soon as I started applying these principles. For example, if I wanted to exercise more consistently, I didn’t just plan to go to the gym—I signed up and paid for a membership. If I committed to writing online, I joined a community like Ship30for30, where the challenge and group accountability kept me on track.

And honestly, I saw almost immediate results:

  • Consistency: Signing up for structured programs forced me to maintain a regular schedule.

  • Completion: Having financial and social skin in the game motivated me to finish what I started.

  • Confidence: Each completed project boosted my self-esteem and belief in my ability to commit.

  • Community Support: Engaging with others who shared my goals helped reinforce my commitment and provided a network of support and encouragement.

So, if you find yourself starting projects without finishing them, I encourage you to learn from my mistakes. Understand the psychological tricks that can turn your habits around. Sign up for that course, join that community, partner up, and announce your goals publicly. These steps can significantly boost your chances of following through. #Day29 of Ship30


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